jeudi 27 mars 2014

Sony Computer Entertainment

Today's article is on the creator of the most bought console in the world: Sony Computer Entertainment

The company was created Ken Kutaragi in Japan in 1993 by but was on the video game market in 1991, even before the creation of the PlayStation game system.
Sony Computer Entertainment expanded in North America in 1995, as a "publishing" affiliate. Others affiliates are in Korea, China, Europe and Oceania.
In 1997, the whole company was restructured.

The PlayStation system was launched in Japan in 1994 and had a incredible success; in fact, SCEI sold more than 400 million console worldwide. This system has evolved, from the simple PlayStation, the first we all know...

to the newest version, the PlayStation 4!

SCEI also produced portable version of the PlayStation: the PlayStation Portable (left), also known as PSP, and later, the PlayStation Vita (right), also called PSVita.

However, in Japan, there is another console that Sony created around 1998 but never reached Europe: the PocketStation. It was more an accessory for the PlayStation than anything but there were games available, mostly through download directly from the PlayStation.

SCEI created tons of games worth naming but I'll keep it to the most known and enjoyable.

One of the that came to mind is one we all played at least once: Spyro the Dragon,where the gamer play as this little violet dragon, who's able to breath fire, break walls or enemies with his horns. Maybe it's because Spyro is quite young (dragons leave way more older than humans) but in most of the games, Spyro is unable to fly and can just glide.

Another game we loved to play is Crash Bandicoot. In this game, we play as a orange marsupial whose mission is to stop Doctor Neo Cortex, who want to conquer the world with mutated animals.

There is also the game Lemmings, in which we must control several little beings, giving them orders to reach the exit, by climbing, digging, building and sometimes, even exploding.

Another game worth naming is God of War, in which the player embodies a half-god: Kratos. The mission of this tormented man is to have revenge on the gods and more importantly, kill his father Zeus, and he's ready to sacrifice anything to do it.

 Changing console, on PSVita a game we can name is Gravity Rush. Here, an amnesic girl, later named Kat, has the power to change the direction of the gravity, allowing her to fly/fall, levitate objects and run on walls. Those powers are given her by a special cat whose origins and nature are unknown.

And of course, we can't talk about Playstation without naming inFamous, one of the best game created by Sony. In inFamous, we incarnate a man who, after an explosion, is given electrical powers; we can choose to use them for good or bad, which make this game special. Those powers allow us to levitate, slide on rails, heal people, launch electric grenades.

Let's not forget about speed's fan, who surely loved Gran Turismo, a racing game reputed for its quality and the sensation given to the player, making him felling like a real racer. It's one of Sony's most sold game.

And that's all everyone!

mercredi 26 mars 2014

One of the best games creator: Ubisoft

This article is about the well known games creator and editor: Ubisoft!

Ubisoft, known before as "Ubisoft Entertainment", is a french multinational company, and counts around 29 studios in almost 20 countries.
It was created in 1986 by the five brothers Guillemot and the first game created was Zombi, which was a new thing at the time and the success of the game allowed the new founded Ubisoft to grow quickly, making possible the release of several games per year in the 80s.

The firsts affiliates are in Germany, USA and UK, born in 1991. Others come successively in Japan, Italy and Australia.
From 1997 to 1999, Ubisoft extends in Marocco, China, Canada and Spain.

Starting 2000, Ubisoft has affiliates virtually in the whole world and has distributed in Europe famous japanese games like Soul Caliber, Dragon Quest and the most famous: Final Fantasy.

Ubisoft is nowadays ranked as the 3rd editor and 3rd game developer in the world, behind Activision and Electronic Arts.

Ubisoft released several games that have or had a lot of success; the first one is Rayman. That little guy, without arms nor legs, who could shoot his hands to hit his enemies from a distance. Rayman is Ubisoft's mascot.

Another game with great success is Prince of Persia, a game where the player embodies a prince who fights evils beings with a magical dagger that allows him to rewind time.

There is also Splinter Cell, where the player is a retired commando of the Marines, Sam Fisher, whose mission it to prevent a war between USA and China that could lead to World War 3. The mark of Splinter Cell is the night vision mask the character wears constantly.

The most famous game Ubisoft showed to the public is the known Assassin's Creed. In this game, the player incarnate an Assassin, a person who has to stop the Templars, here a evil order that want to bring peace by taking control of humanity, using his skills in stealth, assassination and combat.

The next Ubisoft's game that everyone is waiting is Watch Dogs. In this game, the character we play as is Aiden Pearce, a famous hacker whose past leads to him losing his family. He wants revenge, of course, and thank to a special phone, he manages to hack into the very core of the city and control virtually everything.
This game's release date is on May 27th 2014, worldwide. It's possible to reserve it and there are various special editions.

Ubisoft had some encounter with the law, from both sides: as suing and sued. Some were about the game Assassin's Creed, others were against the company itself for "bad management", and others were about some kind of copyright of a book that inspired Assassin's Creed 3.

Good bye, my readers.

lundi 24 mars 2014

Sly Cooper

Le troisième article sera sur un jeu que j'apprécie particulièrement: Sly Cooper.
Ce jeu est en fait un série composée pour le moment de 4 épisodes: Sly Cooper,
Sly Cooper 2: Association de voleurs


Sly Cooper 3,

Et Sly Cooper: Voleurs à travers le temps.
La série de Sly Cooper a commencé en 2002 et a rencontrer un franc succès. Le gameplay est simple mais amusant et d'une prise en main très facile; de plus le fait de jouer avec un animal anthropomorphe est assez sympa. L'histoire tourne autour du Clan Cooper, un famille de voleurs qui semple exister depuis la préhistoire.

Dans le jeu, on incarne trois personnages: maitre voleur et descendant légitime du Clan Cooper: Sly Cooper , un raton laveur;

Bentley, une tortue male, expert en informatique et technologie;

 et enfin, Murray, un hippopotame rose, les muscles de l'équipe.

Ces trois larrons sont constamment poursuivis par un agent d'élite d'Interpole: l'agent Carmelita Montoya Fox, une renarde qui a un sens aigu de la loi.

La série de Sly Cooper jusqu'au 3ème chapitre porte le logo de Sucker Punch et celui de Sony, toutefois, le 4ème volet, Sly Cooper: Voleur à travers le temps, ne porte que celui de Sony, probablement du au fait que Sony ai racheté Sucker Punch en 2011.

Bien que le jeu, l'histoire et les personnages soient intéressant, il y a un gros point noir sur ce tableau blanc: en effet, bien que le scénario varie, le procédé est toujours le meme: repérage, infiltration et vol.
Bien sur, selon la mission, il y a des variations du personnage, de la façon de filer la cible et meme du paysage, ce qui diminue un peu l'amertume de la répétition.
Le graphisme aussi n'est pas pour déplaire: ce style "cartoon" est parfaitement adapté à ce genre de personnages et d'histoire.

Il y a également dans ce jeux de nombreux petit bonus à obtenir, généralement en collections dans bouteilles avec des indices dedans ou en complétant certaines missions. Il est possible également de débloqué des court-métrages dont la longueur peut aller de quelques secondes à une ou deux minutes.

C'est dans ces court-métrages que nous obtenons un léger aperçu ou indice sur une suite du jeu. En effet, dans la cinématique secrète de Sly Cooper: Voleurs à travers le temps, nous pouvons voir Sly se réveiller en Egypte, probablement à l'époque des pharaons.

En outre, certaines rumeurs circulent et une image a particulièrement attiré l'attention, indiquant la grande possibilité d'un Sly Cooper 5: Maitre des Voleurs.

Les trois premiers volets de cette série sont difficiles à trouvé sur la plupart des sites de jeux mais ne donne pas de notes descendant en dessous de 17/20.
Quand au 4ème chapitre, étant plus récent, il est plus aisé à trouvé. le note avec un autre 17/20 bien mérité, tandis que lui donne un 7/10.
Personnellement, je donne à la série de Sly Cooper un 18/20, puisque je considère comme seuls points noirs le fait qu'on puisse pas réutiliser des gadgets ou techniques des chapitres précédents et que les chargement sont un peu longs.

Avant de finir cet article, je tiens à annoncer, si des fans de Sly Cooper viendraient visité ce blog, qu'un film de ce cher voleur est prévu pour 2016 et qu'un trailer est déjà disponible.

dimanche 23 mars 2014

Sucker Punch

In questo secondo articolo parleremo di Sucker Punch Productions, una casa sviluppatrice di videogiochi americana fondata nel 1997 e che ha collaborato con Sony Computer Entertainment dal 2000 e che ha finito per essere comprata da quest'ultima nel 2011.

Il primo gioco rilasciato da Sucker Punch Productions è il poco conosciuto Rocket: Robot on Wheels per Nintendo 64 verso la fine del 1999.

In questo gioco, il protagonista è un piccolo robò, Rocket, che può assumere varie forme.

 I giochi che seguirono ebbero magior successo: Sly Cooper
et inFamous

Coloro che fondarono Sucker Punch Productions lavoravano in origine a Microsoft. Più tardi, lasciarono l'azienda per fondarne un'altra, specializzata in videogiochi.

E divertente sapere che il nome del gruppo fu "scelto" dalla moglie del cofondatore Chris Zimmerman; infatti. la moglie aveva letto una lista di nomi proposti e aveva dichiarato che il nome non era importante, finché non era "Sucker Punch". Il marito giudicò che il gusto di una donna di età avanzata doveva essere l'opposto del pubblico e scelse dunque il nome che oggi conosciamo.

Premier Article: InFamous: Second Son

Le premier article de mon blog est sur un jeu que beaucoup on attendu et on surement déjà acheté: inFAMOUS: Second Son.

Sortit uniquement sur PS4, ce jeu est développé par Sucker Punch et édité par Sony Computer Entertainment.
InFamous: Second Son est la suite du jeu inFamous
et inFamous 2
, sortis respectivement en 2009 et en 2011, dans lesquels nous avons incarné Cole MacGrath, un homme doté de puissants pouvoirs électriques.

InFamous: Second Son est sortit le 21 mars de cette année et a déjà énormément de fans. L'histoire de ce jeu ce déroule 7 ans après inFamous 2, à Seattle; on incarne Delsin Rowe, un jeune homme turbulent qui a du mal à filer droit. Son principal pouvoir est celui de s'accaparer celui des autres, ainsi, il se retrouve avec des pouvoirs différents (dont au moins un qui lui permet de créer une fumée incandescente ou du feu). Ces pouvoirs permettent, comme dans les deux premiers, de frapper, lancer des attaques à distance, de planner/léviter et dans ce cas, de passer par des conduits d'aérations.

C'est un jeu qui possède une très bon qualité et la prise en main est également très facile. Comme dans inFamous et inFamous 2, les actions comptent sur le développement des pouvoirs, du comportement des habitants et des capacités; bien sur, deux finals différents selon si vous êtes "mauvais" ou "bon".

Le graphisme est superbement bien travaillé, comme le témoigne la fumée utilisé par Devin dans ses attaques; toutefois, on a l'impression qu'il s'agit plus de cendres brulantes ou de feu.
Le début de l'aventure en soi est très excitant mais les actions deviennent répétitives assez rapidement. Les combos et les utilisations des pouvoirs sont limités et c'est seulement lorsqu'on acquière le deuxième et le troisième pouvoir que les choses se font vraiment intéressantes. Toutefois, plus vous avancerez dans le jeu, plus vous noterez que les pouvoirs de base deviennent presque optionnels.

Comme note globale lui donne un 16/20; donne un 7/10, vote avec un 8/10, enfin, le note avec un autre 8/10.

Je le note à mon tour avec un 8.5/10
Sur ce, au revoir.