mercredi 26 mars 2014

One of the best games creator: Ubisoft

This article is about the well known games creator and editor: Ubisoft!

Ubisoft, known before as "Ubisoft Entertainment", is a french multinational company, and counts around 29 studios in almost 20 countries.
It was created in 1986 by the five brothers Guillemot and the first game created was Zombi, which was a new thing at the time and the success of the game allowed the new founded Ubisoft to grow quickly, making possible the release of several games per year in the 80s.

The firsts affiliates are in Germany, USA and UK, born in 1991. Others come successively in Japan, Italy and Australia.
From 1997 to 1999, Ubisoft extends in Marocco, China, Canada and Spain.

Starting 2000, Ubisoft has affiliates virtually in the whole world and has distributed in Europe famous japanese games like Soul Caliber, Dragon Quest and the most famous: Final Fantasy.

Ubisoft is nowadays ranked as the 3rd editor and 3rd game developer in the world, behind Activision and Electronic Arts.

Ubisoft released several games that have or had a lot of success; the first one is Rayman. That little guy, without arms nor legs, who could shoot his hands to hit his enemies from a distance. Rayman is Ubisoft's mascot.

Another game with great success is Prince of Persia, a game where the player embodies a prince who fights evils beings with a magical dagger that allows him to rewind time.

There is also Splinter Cell, where the player is a retired commando of the Marines, Sam Fisher, whose mission it to prevent a war between USA and China that could lead to World War 3. The mark of Splinter Cell is the night vision mask the character wears constantly.

The most famous game Ubisoft showed to the public is the known Assassin's Creed. In this game, the player incarnate an Assassin, a person who has to stop the Templars, here a evil order that want to bring peace by taking control of humanity, using his skills in stealth, assassination and combat.

The next Ubisoft's game that everyone is waiting is Watch Dogs. In this game, the character we play as is Aiden Pearce, a famous hacker whose past leads to him losing his family. He wants revenge, of course, and thank to a special phone, he manages to hack into the very core of the city and control virtually everything.
This game's release date is on May 27th 2014, worldwide. It's possible to reserve it and there are various special editions.

Ubisoft had some encounter with the law, from both sides: as suing and sued. Some were about the game Assassin's Creed, others were against the company itself for "bad management", and others were about some kind of copyright of a book that inspired Assassin's Creed 3.

Good bye, my readers.

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